


To begin with, church is "a gathering of people who believe in Jesus Christ.” One of the important purposes of the church is to gather and worship the triune God together on Sundays.

During the worship service, we worship God through worship songs and a sermon (a message from the Bible). During the message time, there is the Kids Class where children can learn about God in a fun way. After the service, we have a cafe space where you can enjoy chatting with others over a cup of coffee. The atmosphere is friendly, so there is no need to come in formal attire. Everyone is welcome!

音楽 Music


During the worship time, we praise God through singing. The worship band will play songs in Japanese and English. The lyrics will be displayed on the screen.

聖書からの学び Message


During the Message time, we will learn what the Word of God says and how we can actually apply it in our lives. The message will be given in Japanese and English.

キッズ・クラス Kids Class


We have classes for children from ages 1 through 6th grade druing the Message time. Lessons are bilingual in English and Japanese, and children learn about God's love in a fun way by singing songs, reading stories from the Bible, and playing crafts and games.

交流 Fellowship


After the service, there will be time to enjoy conversation with everyone at the cafe area. You will meet people from all over the world! Coffee and other refreshments will be available, so come and join us!




The core of the church is the Sunday service, but there are many other events for the church community. There are many things that non-Christians can participate in and get involved in as well. If you are interested, we invite you to join our community!

→教会コミュニティを見てみる See more about the Church Community




We have a bilingual worship service every Sunday at 11AM. We meet in a building right across the street from Hankyu Nakatsu Station. Whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, everyone is welcome! With a kids class during the service and baby-friendly spaces, this is a great event for the whole family! We hope to meet you on Sunday!




礼拝@教会ビル or Zoom

Attend in-person or Online



*MUSTARD SEEDクリスチャン教会大阪は、日曜礼拝で共に神の家族と礼拝するだけでなく、その後の交流や交わりに非常に高い価値を置いています。神の家族というコミュニティとして共に成長し、共に福音を宣べ伝え、共に礼拝していくためには、基本的にオンラインでのみの礼拝をお勧めしていません。

If you are unable to join us locally due to illness or other circumstances, please join us for worship online! We look forward to worshipping together beyond our location.

*Mustard Seed Christian Church Osaka places a high value not only on worshipping together as God's family in Sunday worship services, but also on the interaction and fellowship that follows. In order to grow together as a community of God's family, share the gospel together, and worship together, we generally do not recommend that you continue to attend online only.


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MUSTARD SEEDクリスチャン教会大阪Zoom
ミーティングID: 967-504-0684


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